Sequencer: Shot Comprised of Several Shots Set to "Evaluate Subsequences in Isolation" Timeline Does Not Scrub

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 24, 2018

When opening NewLevelSequence, opening shot0010_001, changing the playback settings to Evaluate Subsequence in Isolation, switching back to NewLevelSequence, opening shot0020_001, and scrubbing, ani ...

Cannot use code class if it is placed in a folder named "Device"

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 24, 2018

C++ classes that are located within a folder named "Device" cannot be seen or used within the Editor. The classes cannot be found within the Content Browser, and they cannot be used to create Bluepr ...

Behavior Tree corrupts as REINST after PIE when using Blueprint Compilation Manager

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Apr 24, 2018

When Blueprint Compilation Manager is enabled, behavior tree node can get corrupted as REINST.  ...

Crash when removing Blueprint function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Apr 23, 2018

The Editor crashes whenever the reference to the "DeleteThisFunction" function is deleted. ...

Double clicking in Sprite while using "Edit Source Region" does not dirty the sprite asset

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Apr 23, 2018

Making changes to a sprite asset by double clicking in the Sprite while using "Edit Source Region" does not cause the asset to dirty. ...

Blueprint Diff of GameplayTagContainer variable shows difference when there is none

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 23, 2018

GameplayTagContainer does not diff properly. ...

Mobile landscape rendering corrupted in 4.19

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 23, 2018

Linux servers cannot start on machines with less than 2G of RAM

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 23, 2018

The are reports on AnswerHub that servers don't start on machines with low memory. This is caused by an inflexible set up of OS allocation pools on Linux that demands at least 2GB (or close) of RAM ...

r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold and r.Shadow.FadeResolution not affected by Scalability Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 20, 2018

r.Shadow.FadeResolution and r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold values in DefaultScalability.ini are not being applied ...

Set Replicate Movement node assumes Character class when pulling off of an actor variable reference (when using a character blueprint)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2018

When using the Set Replicate Movement node inside of a character blueprint. The only node available requires the target to be a character. This applies to different types of references such as a gen ...