Handle fracturing a destructible mesh when the source mesh has been deleted without a crash.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 13, 2015

When attempting to fracture a destructible where the source static mesh has been deleted we get a crash in APEX. APEX can't seem to find any root leaf nodes to begin fracturing upon. This does not ...

Non-blueprint ed graphs need to clean up their deprecated pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 3, 2016

Old UEdGraphPins are not being removed from non-blueprint assets. ...

PIE Exits and Error Appears When Attempting to Travel to New Map

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2016

When attempting to use an overlap event followed by an open level node, PIE will exit and errors will appear in the message log. ...

Struct array of type 'key' dirties blueprint each time it is re-opened

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 29, 2016

Struct array of type 'key' dirties blueprint each time it is re-opened. Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.11.2 ...

Spotlights Transform Strangely When Scaled Within A Blueprint

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 31, 2016

When scaling an actor with a spotlight component that is offset from local 0,0,0 the spotlight will invert itself when passing into negative scale values. In the test project this only occurs on the ...

Crash when double clicking a level in Content Browser to open it

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 19, 2016

Landscape Mode automatically turns on Game View in Viewport

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 31, 2016

Landscape Mode automatically turns on game view in the level Viewport. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur 4.13.2 ...

Skeletal Mesh Has Flickering Artifacts On Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 26, 2016

White artifacts appear when you have a stationary directional light in your scene with default settings that is casting a shadow, and a skeletal mesh is in that shadow after baking lighting. You wi ...

Landscape Layer blend node inconsistency

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 24, 2015

When the landscape has no textures the landscape layer blend material node will render as the first layer. When painting only holes onto the landscape, the landscape will have a layer texture but st ...

Update Instance Transform is not working

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 16, 2015

When a blueprint calls for 'update instance transform' the scaling and location value doesn't actually work. ...