Selecting For Distribution no longer sets configuration to Shipping

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 18, 2018

It looks like the change to remove the configuration lock may have changed this behavior, too. It's important to set the configuration to Shipping because otherwise users will ship games accidental ...

[Feature Request] Cook in the Editor should only save Asset Registry for the cook target platform

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Jan 18, 2018

Request from Licensee: When launch Launching in the editor, it seems that asset registries of platforms other than those specified in Launch are also generated.  LogAssetRegistryGenerator: Startin ...

Launching a packaged game will cause it to open on the leftmost monitor, ignoring your primary monitor

Tools - Jan 17, 2018

A licensee has reported that opening a packaged game in 4.18 and onward will cause the packaged game to appear on their left most monitor, rather than their primary monitor. This was not the case in ...

Morph Target Sets to Zero When Transitioning From 1 to -1 Causing Flickering

OLD - Anim - Jan 16, 2018

-Morph target cycles through all values instead of only alternating between 1 and -1 -Couldn't reproduce in 4.17 -attached a test morph target asset Link to example video from user: [Link Removed] ...

Major performance hit upgrading to 4.18 (game tick time - collision sweeps)

OLD - Anim - Jan 16, 2018

As of 4.18 and onward, collision sweeps related to Character Movement seem to be causing higher tick times than usual. Example project: [Link Removed] Regression?: Yes This did not occur in 4.17 ...

BindWidget meta tag throws error on compile if the bound widget is inherited

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 15, 2018

The BindWidget meta specifier allows us to bind a native widget pointer to a widget added to the hierarchy of a UserWidget in the widget editor. However, it appears to only search for a matching wid ...

Using "Replace with child" creates 100+ variables

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 15, 2018

Using replace with child appears to create multiple undesired variables ...

Animation Blueprint Editor Crashes on Compile if the Debug Instance Selection is Other Than No Object or Preview Instance

OLD - Anim - Jan 15, 2018

-Crash occurs when debug is set, and anim Blueprint is compiled while actor blueprint is selected -When reopening project, imported assets are no longer there -Reopening project after crash, the opt ...

When Instanced Stereo is on, instanced static mesh components with multiple material channels will only render in one eye

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 15, 2018

When instanced stereo is enabled instanced static mesh components with multiple material channels will only render in the right eye ...

Editor crashes when calling a "scroll into view" node with missing parameters

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 15, 2018

There is an issue where Editor crashes when calling a "scroll into view" node with missing parameters. This issue should be caught when compiling the blueprint as one of the values should not be nul ...