During runtime, the red coin in Stand 1.7 on the Blueprints_Overview map of Content Examples should emit a large spark particle system 5 times. While investigating, I tried disabling "Use Fixed Rel ...
Physics Asset doesn't follow the Skeletal Mesh when Physics Blend Weight is set to any value between 0 and 1. Could be related the the fix for this JIRA: https://jira.it.epicgames.net/browse/UE-192 ...
When a blueprint's component hierarchy is changed by changing a child component's mobility value to Static while deleting its parent component which has Movable mobility, levels saved with an outdat ...
Contrary to the linked UDN question, this doesn't seem to require the actor to be replicated. The problem is that when UWorld::DuplicateWorldForPIE is called for a PIE client instance's persistent ...
Using AddTorque to apply a rotation to a skeletal mesh does not always provide the expected results if a fixed time step is being used. When doing this to the Owen character in the Content Examples ...
When setting the console command r.shadow.MaxResolution to a value of 1 will cause a crash. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...
Particle systems placed in levels don't play as expected on level load when using ES 3.1 Preview. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 Reproduced in 4.25 Main CL#11115840 ...
'Greater/Lesser Than or Equal To' nodes do not work consistently with values lower than 1 Note: The issue isn't present with whole numbers (ex: 10 decremented by 1) ...
Find node returning -1 in packaged game even when the item exists in the array ...
User is receiving a crash after a brand new installation of version 4.24.1 NOTE: User is able to launch 4.20 - 4.23.1 without issue. "I tried reinstalling the editor build, updating all of my dr ...