Error when using GetMass without Simulate Physics enabled

OLD - Anim - Oct 31, 2017

When using GetMass on an Actor Blueprint, an error is displayed when Simulate Physics is disabled, but GetMass executes successfully. Error Message: BP_Actor_80.MaterialSphere MaterialSphere has t ...

No Editor Audio on Linux when using ALSA

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 31, 2017

No sound play in editor when using ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture), and log spam when launching a project ...

Increment / Decrement nodes do not call BlueprintSetter functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 31, 2017

When BlueprintGetter / BlueprintSetter specifiers are used for a property, the increment/decrement nodes in blueprints will call the BluprintGetter function but not the BlueprintSetter function. Th ...

Particle SubUV Expression Does Not Use Texture Input

UE - Niagara - Oct 31, 2017

Particle SubUV expression does not use texture input. Per User: ParticleSubUV function in Material Editor do not take Texture from Tex node. Since int32 UMaterialExpressionParticleSubUV::Compile( ...

Black bar appears in Scene Capture 2D texture when using VR (resolution 1920 by 1080)

UE - Platform - XR - Oct 31, 2017

Black bar appears in Scene Capture 2D texture when using VR (resolution 1920 by 1080) ...

Actor relative rotation is in the wrong order after enabling details panel favorites (YZX)

Tools - Oct 31, 2017

Actor relative rotation is in the wrong order after enabling details panel favorites (YZX). ...

PIE captures mouse when "Game Gets Mouse Control" is disabled

Tools - Oct 31, 2017

When entering PIE, the mouse is captured by the viewport regardless of the "Game Gets Mouse Control" setting. Regression: No - Same behavior occurs in 4.17.2 ...

Japanese language input keys/Menu key zoom out graph view

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Oct 31, 2017

When using a Japanese keyboard, using Japanese language input special key(halfwidth/fullwidth/kanji key) zooms out graph view in BP editor and Material editor. It seems the menu key makes the editor ...

Edited BP Variables show as "Multiple Values" in instanced reference

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 30, 2017

When a blueprint (A) contains a instanced reference to another blueprint (B) that is EditInlineNew, changing a value B causes the associated variable in A to display as "Multiple Vaules" Workaround ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_MovieSceneTracks!UMovieSceneCameraCutSection::GenerateTemplate() [moviescenecameracutsection.cpp:24]

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 30, 2017

This is a somewhat common Sequencer crash that occurs in 4.17 and 4.18. User DescriptionsWas trying to copy and paste a camera movement but something screwed up, I tried to add an already built Cam ...