Bulk compiling more than one Blueprint class asset without incurring a garbage collection pass in between each compile can result in a crash during reference replacement, as serialization may end up ...
When compiling on load in -game, a blueprint class that inherits from a native class that is marked within and the class that it is within is abstract, a crash will occur when FBlueprintCompilationM ...
In FBlueprintEditor::ReparentBlueprint_NewParentChosen FBlueprintEditorUtils::MarkBlueprintAsModified is called before calling Compile. As a result SCS nodes, including ICH nodes, are created for th ...
The ModcallbackData won't be consumed while applying stacked Gameplay Effects if the updates are being batched. This triggers a false warning in FActiveGameplayEffectsContainer::ApplyModToAttribute. ...
Certain blueprint nodes are noticeably wider than they were in 4.25, and seem to get excessively wide if the user fills in literal pins on them. This was noticed with the Array Add nodes, but may a ...
As the attached image shows, there is no problem in 4.25.4, and the process is noticeably slower in 4.26.1. Also, there is no problem in Standalone. The problem occurs only in PIE. ...