FSlateApplication::OnControllerButtonPressed/Released removed causing input plugins to no longer work

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 8, 2014

The functions OnControllerButtonPressed/Released using FKey were deleted for 4.6. This leaves plugin authors no way of propagating key presses from their plugin in to the input system. ...

AISystem::RegisterBlackboardComponent being called not in all valid cases

UE - AI - Feb 6, 2015

Observed by 4.7 preview 5 user. After closed investigation it turned out he had two consequent AIController::UseBlackboard calls, which triggered a ensure failure in AISystem::UnregisterBlackboardCo ...

After upgrading a project from 4.7 to 4.8 and compiling a blueprint that casts to and pulls a variable from a widget will cause a freeze if the widget is then compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 7, 2015

If the user has a project that casts to a widget to pull out a variable in a 4.7 project. This can cause a freeze after upgrading the project to 4.8 preview. This happens when the user compile the b ...

Dev Folder is referencing/being referenced by UE4_Mannequin

Docs - Samples - May 6, 2015

Basically UE4_Mannequin is causing a dev folder to show up if you add the template as a content pack. It's a few materials that are being kept there. ...

Erractic Light Component Behavior in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2015

You cannot PIE if you attempt to adjust the Intensity of a Light via the slider in a BP that is placed in the Level already. In addition the color slider does not stay open when editing values for ...

Dynamic point lights generate shader compile errors on HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 20, 2015

The new ES2 movable point lights look promising. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with them in HTML5 builds. They work great in the ES2 preview mode in the editor, but when running in an ac ...

Alt+Enter after using the "Stereo on" Command will lock the computer

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 2, 2014

With an Oculus Rift connected, if Alt+Enter is pressed after using the console command "Stereo on" in a standalone game the computer / VR headset will freeze. ...

Crash when changing the number of instances in a grouped sprite component at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Aug 4, 2016

A crash occurs when you remove a Sprite Instance within a Paper Grouped Sprite component of an Actor BP on Event Begin Play. I was able to reproduce this crash in the binary releases of 4.11.2 and ...