Blueprint Android app installers are named *UE4Game*.bat

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 4, 2018

In 4.19 blueprint-based apps are named after the project name, but in 4.20 they are all called Install_UE4Game-armv7-es2.bat. This also affects the Uninstall_*.bat ...

Severe ghosting on animated objects when camera stops moving in sequences when using path tracer

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 2, 2019

Pixels seem to stop updating in the path tracer when a camera stops moving in sequence. Old color values from objects that have moved seem to still affect pixels they should not.  ...

Custom Time Dilation has no effect on Player Camera Manager

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 10, 2020

It seems like setting Custom Time Dilation on the Player Camera Manager does not affect the amount of time it takes to blend between cameras with Set View Target With Blend. ...

Geometry Collection behavior does not change when changed by BP

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 2, 2022

Reproduced 6/6 times. This seems to affect all "Set" functions for Geometry Collection Components, such as Setting Object Type from Static to Dynamic, or changing Collision Type. ...

Components defaults not updating on hot reload

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 11, 2017

Certain values, when changed in code, are not updated in a hot reload. For example, changing the Target Arm Length of a spring arm component will updated after hot reload, but changing the Scale do ...

Scroll widget into view will cause a crash is given a null value

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 25, 2015

If the user uses "Get child at" with an invalid index and then hooks up the return value to a "Scroll Widget into View" node's "Widget to Find" pin it will cause a crash ...

Using an integer that is higher than the total members in an enum to select an enum will cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 21, 2015

If the user uses an integer to select a member of an enum, the enumeration will crash if the integer is higher than the number of members in the enum. ...

Using NewObject inside PostInitProperties causes the editor to crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 23, 2015

Using NewObject inside PostInitProperties and creating a BP of the class will cause the editor to crash on PIE if the BP is is set in gamemode defaults ...

Child Actor Component references are not sent to the Server through a Run on Server RPC

UE - Networking - Nov 9, 2015

Child Actor Component references are not sent to the Server through a Run on Server RPC. Test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (CL# 2758903). ...

Import options broken when importing bones-only fbx animation

OLD - Anim - Jun 19, 2015

This bug is being entered for integration purposes. This is already fixed in 4.9 Main with one of Lina's changes (CL:2584657). Wanted to try and get this into a 4.8 hotfix ...