StaticMeshComponent occasionally doesn't simulate physics after SpawActor.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 23, 2022

When spawning Pawns with a StaticMeshComponent with SimulatePhyscis=True, they occasionally may not simulate physics. This can be reproduced by simply repeating the respawn. The frequency of reprodu ...

Two planar reflection and translucent materials draw reflections on one side only

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 6, 2023

This problem seems to be fine when the material is Opaque.[Image Removed] ...

Global Distance Field Precision Issues Far From Origin

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 26, 2023

[Enduring] Appears to be in the visualization rendering of the distance field, distance field shadows were unaffected. There was one instance where the bug did not replicate as expected. This was wh ...

Blueprint Nodes no longer Grid Snap to straight lines

UE - Editor - Feb 13, 2023

5.0:[Link Removed] 5.3:[Link Removed] Attached is a video of the two screenshots overlaid and lined up by their top edges. It appears that the Begin Play node (and others?) have more padding now, w ...

Deferred spawned actors can receive BeginPlay before they are finished spawning

UE - Gameplay - May 18, 2023

Actors that are deferred spawned on BeginPlay can be added to the world while AWorldSettings::NotifyBeginPlay is still iterating the world's actors and dispatching BeginPlay. AActor::DispatchBeginPl ...

Repackaging the same build produces different order of shader code chunks in IoStore container TOC

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 24, 2024

A licensee reported that packaging the build with same content (it is unclear if they were rebuilding the DDC between the runs, but it shouldn't matter) produces a different placement of code chunks ...

Static lighting crash on 5.4 when using landscape with WPO

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 22, 2024

When static lighting is built for a landscape with "Use Material Position Offset in Static Lighting" enabled it causes an editor crash. Licensee mentioned it was likely caused by a commit for 5.4, C ...

[PCG] Delayed PCG Component Unregister causing stale pointer crash

UE - World Creation - Procedural Tools - PCG Component - Jun 11, 2024