Changing a function parameter type of a Split Struct isn't reflected in the editor

UE - Gameplay - Jul 17, 2017

Changing a function parameter type of a Split Struct isn't reflected in the editor. When the variable type is changed, the split struct will remain. This also effects generic variables. User Desc ...

Crash when using Find Substring node if the starting position is higher than the number of characters in the string being searched

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 17, 2017

If the "Start Position" in the "Find Substring" node is larger than the number of characters in the "Search in" field a crash will occur. ...

Typing "Print S" in Blueprint Graph Context Menu returns wrong result

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 17, 2017

Typing "Print S" in Blueprint Graph Context Menu returns a result that does not contain the letters "Print S" this issue persists is you add another s after (Print ss). The search should display som ...

Copying a blueprint instance will reset array values if new element has been added

UE - Gameplay - Jul 17, 2017

Copying a blueprint instance will reset array values if new element has been added. Repro project is using a variable type of Static Mesh but this also happens with other variable types as well. Us ...

Objects set to Stationary and movable do not create shadows in the right eye for daydream

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 17, 2017

If the user sets and object to movable or stationary the object will not cast a shadow in the right eye when using Daydream. ...

Crash when loading old data after changing type of Map Value to related type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 17, 2017

There is a crash when changing the value type of a MapProperty to something else that provides a ConvertFromType handler. The backward compatible loading code is not correct for map properties and e ...

Welcome to the Unreal Editor Tutorial refers to World Outliner Panel as the Scene Outliner Panel

Docs - Jul 17, 2017

Scene Outliner might be an old name for the World Outliner panel. The hyperlink refers to SceneOutliner, but the heading on the HTML page and the wording on the panel in UE4Editor refer to "World Ou ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_ClothingSystemRuntime!FClothingSimulationNv::GetBounds() [clothingsimulationnv.cpp:730]

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 17, 2017

This is a common crash occurring for users in 4.16 and the 4.17 Preview. Additional information is not currently available. User Descriptionsjust shut down dont know why Source Context 807 ...

[CrashReport] Crash on Mac - UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!FTextLayout::GetAsTextAndOffsets()

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 17, 2017

This is a common crash occurring for Mac users on the 4.17 Preview, and a few cases in 4.16. I have been unable to find any matching reports of this crash on Windows. There is a slight variation in ...

Accessed None for Sequence Actor references in project upgraded to 4.17

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 14, 2017

In a project upgraded from 4.16 to 4.17, the level sequence doesn't play on first PIE and returns Accessed None errors. Next time you PIE, it plays fine. This now happens every time you re-open th ...