[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FHLSLMaterialTranslator::GetParameterUniformExpression() [hlslmaterialtranslator.h:1671]

UE - Graphics Features - May 25, 2017

This is a top trending crash in the 4.16 release. This may be a regression from 4.15. Additional information is currently unknown. Users have not provided any details. ...

Unable to compile script plugins against 4.16.0

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - May 24, 2017

A bug in UBT is preventing the authors of SkookumScript from submitting their 4.16 plugin to the marketplace. ...

FVector::Normalize does not set Vector to (0,0,0) upon failure, as described

UE - Foundation - Core - May 24, 2017

The FVector::Normalize function states in its comment that if given a vector that is too small to be normalized, it will set it to 0,0,0 and return false. The function only returns false and does no ...

Selected option does not scroll into view when opening a combo box for the first time

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 24, 2017

Selected option does not scroll into view when opening a combo box for the first time. It will only scroll into view if the combo box is clicked more than once (a 2nd, 3rd, ect...) ...

World Outliner selection does not update transform widget location during play

Tools - May 23, 2017

World Outliner selection does not update transform widget location during play. This issue can be easily fixed simply by reselecting the object, this issue only affects the first time the object is ...

Local Variable loses value after reference moves file location

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 23, 2017

Local Variable loses value after reference moves file locations. This does not just affect construction scripts, following these steps with a function instead produced the same result. This issue do ...

Cannot add to Override Materials array of a Static Mesh Component

UE - Graphics Features - May 23, 2017

Materials cannot be added to the Override Materials array in a static mesh component because attempting to add elements to the array fails. Regression: Yes - using the plus button to add to the arr ...

Crash occurs from change of inner struct value with TMap variable of outer struct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 22, 2017

A crash occurs from the change of inner struct value with TMap variable of an outer struct. This crash does not occur if you change the variable type as a substitution for the last step. Regression ...

Crash undoing in Montage editor with no montage sections

OLD - Anim - May 22, 2017

Crash occur in the animation montage editor when the user does an undo action with no montage sections. ...

NavMesh Broken Between Two Adjacent Actors With Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh Component

UE - AI - May 22, 2017

When Two adjacent actors with hierarchical instance static mesh component cross the tile bound of navmesh, navmesh is broken. In screenshot.png, above is the normal Static Meshs, bellow is the Actor ...