Mobile preview does not follow PIE seamless travel

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 18, 2023

Navmesh does not update according to the volume, when an actor with a navigation volume tied to a parent is moved.

UE - AI - Navigation - Jul 14, 2023

When a NavmeshBoundsVolume or NavModifierVolume is parented to another actor in the outliner, navmesh is not updated along the volume when the parent actor is moved. If the volume is deleted and the ...

Compilation error in Mac editor builds when adding UWorld::IsStreamingLevelBeingConsidered function

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Jun 30, 2023

This code passes the build when compiled using the windows editor (Visual Studio), but fails when compiled using the mac editor (XCode). Adding ENGINE_API to struct FStreamingLevelsToConsider and ex ...

[AI] FRecastNavMeshGenerator can leak build tasks when it is destroyed

UE - AI - Navigation - Jun 29, 2023

FRecastNavMeshGenerator does not cancel its async running tasks when destructing. This leads to leaking build tasks if any are running when the generator is destroyed. ...

Crash when enabling dynamic branch on static switches in Post Process Materials

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 28, 2023

[Link Removed] Some functions to access parameters don't take into account the newly added runtime static switch parameters. It should be straightforward to fix these up: void UMaterialInstance:: ...

ProxyLOD - Properly handle meshes with empty sections

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Jun 28, 2023

Some parts of the proxy mesh generation does not correctly handle empty sections. FMeshMergeHelpers::ExtractSections() will remove empty section, but some other parts of the process will not, which ...

Bake To Control Rig on a Spawned Actor in a Subsequence with Play Range that exceeds the Subsequence causes a Crash

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Anim in Engine - Jun 28, 2023

This is a Regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL23901901 Using Bake To Control Rig on a Spawned Actor in a Subsequence with Play Range that exceeds the Subsequence causes a Crash. ...

Lyra - attribute sets of characters placed on world partition boundaries break in PIE

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jun 28, 2023

When placing an instance of ALyraCharacterWithAbilities on the map on the boundary between world partition cells, it fails to take damage in PIE. The expected attribute sets (HealthSet and CombatSet ...

Anisotropic metallic material and area lights don't work

UE - Graphics Features - Substrate - Jun 28, 2023