DLC update from 1.0 deletes staging folder which unable to make incremental(patch) chunks

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 14, 2017

DLC update from 1.0 deletes staging folder which unable to make incremental(patch) chunks. ...

Crash on reimport animation when there is an additive animation track and fbx frame number is different

OLD - Anim - Feb 14, 2017

When an animation sequence has an additive animation track, reimporting a fbx would crash the editor if the new fbx has a different number of frames. ...

Crash adding component to landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 13, 2017

REGRESSION Yes, does not occur in 4.15. Editor crashes when the user adds a component to their landscape. ...

Crash Re-Importing animation with Additive Layer Tracks after adding a bone to the hierarchy

OLD - Anim - Feb 13, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 633] Array index out of bounds: 68 from an array of size 68 Source Context: 733 734 Extrac ...

Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 13, 2017

Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS. In this test the material applied to an image does not appear to lerp between 0 and 1 for the various objects in the scene, implying that the Scene depth ...

Incorrect physics interaction on rotated meshes using Complex as Simple collision

OLD - Anim - Feb 13, 2017

Incorrect physics interaction on rotated meshes using Complex as Simple collision. *This is a regression Working in 4.13.2-3172292 Not working in 4.14.3-3249277* User Description: When we updat ...

Crash in anim blueprint when dragging animation asset over commented space in graph

OLD - Anim - Feb 13, 2017

REGRESSION: Yes, does not occur in 4.14.3 Crash occurs when the user drags an animation asset into a commented area in the Anim Graph. This crash doesn't occur if the user right-clicks inside a co ...

Bones not listed in Connected Bones dropdown

OLD - Anim - Feb 13, 2017

REGRESSION: Yes, does not occur in 4.15. In Persona, no bones appear in the Connected Bones dropdown. Also occurs in Main CL 3298251. ...

Crash when splitting up output of collapsed node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 13, 2017

A crash occurs when splitting the pin of a collapsed vector node that was connected via a vector connection. This issue is very similar to [Link Removed] however, the callstacks are different so I ...

Check box widget appears to ignore visibility settings if it starts collapsed

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 13, 2017

Check box widget appears to ignore visibility settings if it starts collapsed. The check box appears to say collapsed ...