iOS Device displays textures darker than in Editor

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 30, 2017

The issue is that on iOS devices textures are displaying significantly darker than expected. I did a color calibration with my monitor to get a more accurate representation of the texture. I set th ...

Reimporting skeletal mesh clears material references from material slots

Tools - Jan 30, 2017

This occurs in //UE4/Release-4.15, //UE4/Dev-Editor, and //UE4/Main Does not occur in 4.14.3 ...

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift

UE - AI - Jan 30, 2017

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift. It must be rebuilding (physics objects, etc) while the origin shift is taking place; then the nav mesh will rebuild at different heights ...

Engine Scalability view distance settings are not being reflected accurately in the viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 30, 2017

The foliage in the map appears to be unaffected by the changes in view distance. The scalability settings are changing the cvars to the right values but the change is not being reflected on screen ...

Crash when adding sphere reflection capture to a scene

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 30, 2017

An occasional crash occurs when adding a sphere reflection capture to the scene from the place mode panel. This issue has a low repro, but has been seen a couple times. Repro rate seems to be around ...

Level Blueprint zoom value is different for different templates.

Docs - Samples - Jan 30, 2017

I'm not sure where to set this value, but it's extremely noticeable when the value defaults to -7 and you go and place a node and it looks like a colorful square smaller than your fingernail. I tri ...

Local player's Motion Controller input appears to control remote client's Motion Controller Components on listen server

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 30, 2017

By default, the local motion controller would move remote player's motion controllers as well. Add the following to the beginning of the tick function in the MotionControllerPawn blueprint makes it ...

Mobile / Use Full Precision not working on Metal

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 30, 2017

Had a UDN question from a licensee about full precision not working on Metal. According to Dmitriy, the Mobile / Use Full Precision flag is not being passed to Metal shaders ...

Crash when adding multiple collision types to a mesh

Tools - Jan 27, 2017

Adding various collision types to a single mesh will cause it to hard crash the editor. No Crash Reporter window will open. Note that this happens with the user's mesh, but I was not able to repro ...

Additive Pose Asset arms become over exteneded when blended with reference pose

OLD - Anim - Jan 27, 2017

Asset is praising the sun rather than having his arms straight out to the sides when blended with the reference pose. This is a regression from 4.14.3 ...