When playing in editor with splitscreen multiplayer enabled, player 2 is unable to hear sounds within his client window. This is tied to splitscreen and does not behave this way when two unique edi ...
Animations imported with Skeletal Mesh are not marked as dirty and don't get saved. They disappear when the editor is restarted. This does not occur in 4.11 or 4.13. ...
The Thumbnail Tab in the Material Attributes does not effect the actual Content Browser Thumbnail Preview. The only way to current change it is edit it via the Edit Thumbnail Preview via the Conten ...
When I deployed a first person template project to an Nvidia Shield Tablet with Portrait Orientation enabled, The screen appeared stretched and the analog stick were unable to be used. Tested on t ...
Mesh Particle System made to show a visualization of a shockwave will not render with the refraction component of the material unless a static mesh with the material applied to it is also in camera ...
It seems that Particle CPU cost highly increase at second "show" of a streaming level. The Licensee's team sent a sample to reproduce this problem. So I put the project and wrote how to reproduce on ...
The editor will crash when using "Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class" for actors that the root component is not tagged as a BlueprintSpawnableComponent. ...
I was testing launch on test for mac and wanted to see if the full screen works properly as there were issues with that before. I discovered that after selecting full screen, I was not able to move ...
Using the Delete Unused Variables option under the Edit tab of a blueprint does not remove local variables. Instead, it displays a "All variables are in use" error. Occurs in 4.9.2 and 4.8.3 binar ...
A licensee is noticing that a heavy use of the Collections system to categorize assets is causing a lot of unnecessary source control operations and generating a lot of noise for their logs. Rather ...