Characters will rarely spawn on top of each other in a networked session

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 31, 2016

REGRESSION: Maybe (had one occurring of it happening in 4.13.2) When playing with multiple players at the same time in a networked session, it's possible if rare to have characters spawn so they st ...

Red 'X' Persists after Duplicating Overlapping Stationary Lights and Setting them to Static or Movable

Tools - Sep 15, 2016

Duplicating a group of overlapping stationary lights that produces the red 'X', and setting the copied group to 'Static' or 'Movable' will maintain the red 'X' on one of the light components. Note ...

Viewport Gets HMD Control Not Working with Vive

UE - Platform - XR - May 5, 2016

When using the Viewport Gets HMD Control option in the Editor Preferences, the Vive does not seem to be able to control the viewport camera, which is what would be expected. ...

Cannot Create a New Project if Windows Username Contains a Special Character

Tools - Oct 26, 2015

If you have a windows username with a special character (in this case, it was ^), the launcher will not allow you to create a new project, and a warning appears indicating that the path cannot conta ...

Projectiles do not register collision components if collision component is not set to root

UE - Gameplay - Dec 9, 2015

Projectiles do not register collision components if collision is not set as the root of the actor in the components pane. ...

Editor fails to create WebSocketNetDriver class

UE - Networking - Apr 28, 2015

When the Experimental HTML5 Networking Plugin is enable in the editor it allows for C++ classes with the WebSocketNetDriver parent to be created. Creating a C++ class of this type fails in the edit ...

Ctrl + z still active in PIE

Tools - Jan 20, 2016

Users can select ctrl + z while playing in Editor causing PIE to stop and undo last change, often freezing the editor temporarily, and sometimes causing a crash. Workaround: This does not occur if ...

"Asterisk" is misspelled as "Asterix" in a Blueprint Node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 29, 2015

"Asterisk" is misspelled as "Asterix" in a Blueprint Node ...

In Animgraph, Custom Blend Logic set to "Delayed Freeze" causes duplicate "Frames to Cache" field

OLD - Anim - Jan 27, 2015

In the Animgraph of an AnimBlueprint, Using Custom Blend Logic results in the "Frames to Cache Pose" field being duplicated if "Delayed Freeze" is selected. However, if "Standard" or "Freeze" is s ...

Particle Ribbon's do not work in packaged game

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 5, 2016

When a particle system has a ribbon trail it will not render when viewed in a packaged game. Attached sample asset from Content Examples with Ribbon Trail. This issue did not occur in 4.10.4, bu ...