If any tabs are undocked from the main viewport and another tab is then docked to the main viewport it will hide any undocked tabs. This only appears to affect tabs that in the Menu > Window with ex ...
Selecting Perforce from the list of source control options will cause the editor to crash. Crash Reporter [Link Removed] May also be the same as: [Link Removed] REGRESSION? Yes. Issue did not occ ...
When you use the IsOverlappingActor node to determine whether or not something is overlapping another actor, it returns false regardless of whether or not you're actually overlapping another actor. ...
Running an automation test for Directory Watcher for Plugins causes the editor to crash on the Simple Modify step. Occurs only in 4.10 Preview 3. Regression: This does not occur in 4.9.2, but occu ...
When adding a camera cut track through sequencer scripting there is no way to set the camera cut track on the movie scene, which is how the add track menu determines if a new one can be added. This ...
We need to, at least, prevent this by clearing observers when running a new BT using a different blackboard. Must also think that this might affect licensees relying on the current behavior (might h ...
CSM targets are still created and affect the InjectTranslucencyLightingVolume pass when moving in a project that only uses VSM causing over brightening of fog planes and other translucent meshes. r ...
Compiling any material with r.ShaderCompiler.JobCache=0 causes ShaderCompileWorker to crash. Reproduction steps cause a crash during Editor startup, but this bug may affect other scenarios where mat ...
Trigger box icons move around when oculus head movement is used. Found in //UE4/Release-Staging-4.13 @ 3090357 QA-Promotion map Edit: 08-22: This affects volumes as well as their editor icons, upd ...
Simulating your level and then attempting to use the Keep Simulation Changes option on an actor that has simulated physics gives the No Properties Copied error. Occurs in 4.9.2 binary and Main CL ...