Components of Static Actors seem to be hidden in the Editor Details panel whenever IsEditorOnly is selected. ...
Light inside Volumetric Fog is offset in the right eye when viewing in VR with Forward Shading and Instanced Stereo Enabled If just Forward Shading or Instanced Stereo is enabled, this does not occ ...
The column names in the data table editor appear to directly use the property name instead of the "pretty" version of the property name. If the "DisplayName" meta specifier is used, though, that is ...
Multiple licensees are experiencing this problem. The repro should look like this initially: [Image Removed] But then over time will degrade overtime into something like this this, most likely cau ...
DragDropOperation is removed when pressing esc button. but this is skipping OnDragCancelled so it can disrupt user's UMG drag operation logic. ...
The FailsafeArea of NavModifierVolume is generated at a different location from the center of the actor when it rotated. This means that the effect of rotation is incorrect. (see attached file) W ...
When first added as a child widget in NamedSlot, the child widget can be dragged and dropped onto the parent widget's designer. The following assert causes a crash. Assertion failed: ParentWidget ! ...
The frame appears to be getting skipped entirely, but the timing for the frames on either side of them is correct, ie: if frame 10 is skipped, frame 9 and 11 still match the working case, so the ove ...