Direct Capsule Shadows with Point Lights also project shadow on opposite side and direction

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 14, 2016

When using a Direct Capsule Shadows on a skeletal mesh with a Stationary Point light, depending on the point lights placement, light source radius, and nearby surfaces will cast the shadow on the op ...

Description on Gameplay Tag Query isn't visible when the blueprint is reopened

UE - Gameplay - Dec 14, 2016

In the Gameplay Tag Query variable, the description the user provides doesn't remain visible in the Default Value when the user closes and reopens the blueprint (though the information is still save ...

Crash: Changing Material Property Overrides of Material Instance

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 14, 2016

When a material has a static bool parameter AND this is overridden in a material instance, Trying to change Blend Mode or Shading Model under the Material Property Overrides crashes the editor. Thi ...

Translating bones in Persona is not affected by Snap Options

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2016

In Persona, moving a socket around is not affected by any changes to snapping (scale or size). Rotation is affected however. This is similar to [Link Removed], but according to James Golding there ...

Translating sockets in Persona is not affected by Snap Options

OLD - Anim - Dec 14, 2016

In Persona, moving a socket around is not affected by any changes to snapping (scale or size). Rotation is affected however. ...

Skeleton Tree is not showing any bones

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 14, 2016

REGRESSION Yes, investigating range. In Persona, when viewing a Skeleton, no bones appears in the Skeleton Tree. This is working in //UE4/Dev-Framework at latest, but not in //UE4/Main. ...

Compile error packaging QAGame with nativization on Mac

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Dec 13, 2016

QAGame is failing to compile with Blueprint Nativization turned on ...

Imported camera in sequencer is rotated -90 degrees

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 13, 2016

Imported camera in sequencer is rotated -90 degrees. I got the same result in 4.14 ...

Error maximum ps_5_0 sampler register index (16) exceeded on some materials in InfiltratorForward

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 13, 2016

Certain materials no longer compile in InfiltratorForward with Forward Shading enabled. These materials were not having this compile issue in //UE4/Main @ CL - 3231640 which is the CL before Dev-Ren ...

Crash dragging a TextRender blueprint into the viewport with a Set Text node in the Construction script

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2016

The editor is crashing when dragging a TextRenderActor BP with a Set Text node in the construction script. ...