UMG Event Track events may not fire if they are too close to the end of the animation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 17, 2016

Every tick, we evaluate the range of time that has passed to see if any events on the event track need to be fired. However, when we hit the end of a loop, we have to manually set our LastPosition b ...

Audio Persists and App becomes Unresponsive when Opening Map and Calling Movies to Load

Media Framework - Nov 17, 2016

A licensee is experiencing odd behavior when using custom code to call a loading movie when opening/loading a level. The licensee has implemented a loading movie to play when calling a map to open ...

Cannot Delete Folder Containing Sub Folders from Content Browser

Tools - Nov 17, 2016

Cannot delete a folder containing sub-folders from the Content Browser even after contents and sub-folders have been removed. Regression: This does not occur in UE 4.13 ...

Imported Materials Are Not Assigned To Correct Element Index Based Off Mat ID (3dsMax)

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 17, 2016

When importing a mesh with material IDs from 3dsMax they will get assigned to different element numbers than intended. This worked 4.13.2 Binary CL 3172292 Is Broken in 4.14 Binary CL 3195953 ...

Pressing enter does not appear to activate OnClicked events in UMG When a button is focused

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 17, 2016

Pressing enter does not appear to activate OnClicked events in UMG When a button is focused Note: This appears to be a regression. This was working in 4.13.2 ...

Mouse cursor position is locked to center of screen when bShowMouseCursor is false

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

When you set bShowMouseCursor to false in a Standalone or packaged game while Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode is set to either Always Lock or Lock on Capture, the cursor will become locked in place ...

Editor delay on end simulation in 4.14

Tools - Nov 16, 2016

When stopping PIE Selected Viewport or Simulate Mode there is now a 1 to 2 second delay that did not occur in previous versions of the Engine. Regression: Did not occur in UE4.13 or earlier ...

GlobalShaderCache file is missing when Direct X 11 SM5 is disabled for packaging

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 16, 2016

When trying to launch a .exe after disabling SM5 in the project settings, an error will appear. The global shader cache file ../../../../Engine/GlobalShaderCache-PCD3D_SM5.bin is missing. ...

Physics are popping in Vehicle Advanced Template

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 16, 2016

I first noticed this when I was going on a ramp at a high speed and was catapulted over the level. It seems that the faster you go, the bigger the pop is with physics. It is not easy to hit, but it ...

Crash when unloading Lighting Scenario Streaming Level

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 16, 2016

If a sub-level is set as a Lighting Scenario in the Levels tab, calling Unload Stream Level will cause standalone / packaged games to crash. Regression: No - Lighting Scenario not available before ...