Crash occurs selecting play in Vulkan Mobile Preview without sdk installed

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 18, 2016

Was attempting to repro [Link Removed] in //UE4/Main when I hit the following crash ...

Multitouch on Windows offsets touch index by 1, starting at TouchIndex_2

Tools - Oct 18, 2016

Touch input on Windows devices will start at touch index 2 instead of touch index 1, like other touch devices. ...

Skeletal Mesh Collapses with OpenGL ES3.1 on Tegra K1 devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 18, 2016

When launching to an Android device that supports ES3.1 skeletal meshes seem to collapse in game. ...

MediaPlayerEditor: Failure opening media, even though it opened successfully

Media Framework - Oct 18, 2016

This only happens when successfully opening a media source AFTER failing to open another media source. ...

Crash Occurs When Using the Hide Bone by Name Node

UE - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2016

The editor is crashing when attempting to hide a bone using the Hide Bone by Name node after using the Set Master Pose Component. ...

Realtime rendering gets disabled when simulating in editor

Tools - Oct 18, 2016

Realtime rendering gets disabled every time you simulate in the editor This does not occur in Main and is a regression from 4.13.2 ...

Deactivating a Component Does Not Stop Component Tick Immediately

UE - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2016

Deactivated components are ticking one additional time after being deactivated. ...

Changing Physical Surface Name and Reassigning It From Default Value Crashes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 18, 2016

Changing the name of a physical surface that has already been applied to a physical material will cause a crash, if you try to reapply the renamed physical material from default. The physical materi ...