The red time indicator for viewing curves in persona is slightly tilted

OLD - Anim - Sep 9, 2016

The time indicator for curves in persona is slightly tilted off vertical. This also occurs in 4.13 main. ...

Importing low key frame animations with custom attribute curves have their keys offset affecting pose asset generation

OLD - Anim - Sep 9, 2016

When creating a pose asset based on an animation and curves with a low number of keyframes if you switch between the pose assets poses, the curves will not be correctly timed with the animation beca ...

Xbox One - Merged sprites do not render

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 9, 2016

Apparently merged sprites do not render at all on XB1. ...

Packaging for Android while using Online Framework and Online Subsystem Steam Plugins cause failure

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 8, 2016

When you try to package for Android while Online Framework Plugin and Online Subsystem Steam Plugin, the package fails with: error: undefined reference to 'HtoNL(unsigned int) ...

Crash Occurs While Running EQS Using Add Generated Vector Node

UE - AI - Sep 8, 2016

A crash is occurring when running a custom EQS generator that returns a Point and uses the Add Generated Vector node. This is a regression. No crash occurs with the same setup in 4.12.5. ...

Some files in the Git repo have inconsistent line endings on Linux

UE - Foundation - Build - GitHub - Sep 8, 2016

Crash when using STOP button to exit PIE when removing a widget from viewport via Event Destruct

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 8, 2016

Editor crashes when removing a widget from the viewport via Event Destruct. This appears to happen when using the Stop button during PIE ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeEditDataInterface::SetAlphaData() [landscapeeditinterface.cpp:2617]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 8, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 ( ...

Looking down while in jumping causes Arch Vis Character to get stuck in jump animation

Docs - Samples - Sep 8, 2016

Looking straight down at the floor causes arch vis character to get stuck in jumping animation. Did not experience this behavior with default character class. ...

Packaging with plugins GearVR and GoogleVR together cause build failed with multiple definitions of GetHMD()

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 7, 2016

Packaging with plugins GearVR and GoogleVR together cause build failed with multiple definitions of GetHMD(). Log attached for build error and error portion plugged into the callstack box. ...