Snapping key frame past the 2nd set of keys will make those keys invisible

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 29, 2016

Snapping key frame past the 2nd set of keys will make those keys invisible ...

Can not save Material after copying a Comment into Graph from Material Function

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Aug 29, 2016

When using a material function in a graph with a comment copied from that same material function will cause the material not to save. The error message that pops up says " ...Graph is linked to priv ...

sphere collision with start and end points set to the same value return no hit objects

UE - Gameplay - Aug 29, 2016

Sphere collision with start and end points set to the same value return no hit objects. Workaround Set the end vector to 1 away from the start vector (0,0,0 to 1,1,1, etc.) Regression (no) issue ...

Crash when jumping to location of referenced missing asset in a blueprint from Message Log window

Tools - Aug 29, 2016

I created a static mesh blueprint and set the mesh asset to a mesh in my project. Then I closed the project, deleted the mesh .uasset, reopened the project. When opening the blueprint, there are w ...

Android sessions do not appear in Session Frontend

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 29, 2016

Lighting still unbuilt in Content Examples Lighting map after building lighting and saving

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 28, 2016

Lighting needs to be rebuilt in Content Examples Lighting level every time the editor is reopened. If the user builds lighting, saves the level, closes the editor, then reopens the level, lighting ...

ES2 Fallback Fails on Nougat Devices that do not support Vulkan

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 28, 2016

Discovered this while doing RC candidate testing for 4.13 Works fine in all other use cases: Nougat devices that support Vulkan Marshmallow devices that support Vulkan Marshmallow devices that don' ...

Selecting an object while simulating will stop the objects physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 28, 2016

Selecting an object that is simulating physics while the simulating will cause that object to stop simulating physics. Moving the object with the widget and releasing will cause the physics to begi ...

Editor crashes when importing alembic asset

UE - Gameplay - Aug 28, 2016

Editor crashes when importing Alembic material asset. The editor will crash once selecting the asset in Windows explorer, before the Import Options window appears. When testing this, we had an ave ...

Crash playing in viewport with a character that has a Wheel Class

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 27, 2016

Crash occurs when playing in editor with a character that has a Simple Wheeled Vehicle Movement Component, with a Wheel Class assigned to it. This crash seems to only occur if Don't Create Shape is ...