If you package this users project, you will get a fatal error crash after double clicking the exe file. I was unable to reproduce this issue without using the users project. Project download link: ...
A user has reported the SSR quality on Macs has no visible difference between 60.0 to 100.0. I was able to confirm this is the case and also found this to be true on PC as well. I noticed that the ...
Using "Get Sequence Player" doesn't work in packaged games Works with Auto-Play or if you use "Create Level Sequence Player" in step 5 ...
Quickly undocking a window from the main editor window can sometimes result in a large black rectangle appearing, most likely representing the resulting window, and freezing the editor for a short p ...
Packaging code projects on Mac for HTML5 fails. A lot of Could not verify LLVM version warnings appear in the output log.[2016.06.21-22.27.10:488][413]UATHelper: Packaging (HTML5): UnrealBuildTool: ...
ShooterGame servers crash on the Linux and Mac machines. The following failed to find Font warnings appear in the output: [2016.08.23-16.59.05:186][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find ob ...
The size of packages for HTML5 has greatly increased since 4.10.4 to 4.11.2 and has since increased. Example: First person template, no starter content - size of whole HTML5 folder once packaged: 7 ...
Print String does not persist when called on Event Tick within a Cinematic Camera Actor Blueprint. This could be problematic if users have a cinematic camera in their blueprints and using Event Tic ...
When using pakblacklist for shipping, the start up movie will become a checkerboard due to ../../../Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts being included in the blacklist file. This is happening on both Android ...
Set Actor Enable Collision is not replicated. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.2, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2619427) ...