Meshs in a hidden sublevel may generate incorrect navmesh

UE - AI - Navigation - Nov 6, 2020

If the level has hidden sublevels, the regenerated navmesh result appears to have a hidden sublevel mesh placed at the origin. Apparently, the reason is that bNavigationRelevant is no longer consid ...

AttachComponentToComponent node does not change the location of a Spawned particle system at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Feb 17, 2022

You can use the "Spawn Emitter Attached" function as a work around ...

Creating a new theme is lost once the editor is restarted

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 6, 2022

Creating a theme is undone when restarting the editor. The .json file seems to become disassociated from the editor, the theme is reset back to the previous theme, and the new theme isn't available ...

Editing a spline component in 5.4 no longer fires construction events.

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 14, 2024

Licensee found that in 5.4 the spline component when edited in editor, no longer triggered the construction script potentially breaking their art pipeline. The licensee mentioned the cause is likel ...

[Interchange] Adding fbx file to monitored folder triggered legacy import

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 12, 2024

The import dialog window is the legacy one and not the Interchange one. Auto reimport of modified FBX seems to be working properly with legacy or interchange selected depending on the CVar Rep ...

pose search cook determinism issue

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Jun 26, 2024

Critical Errors when replacing references of blueprints

Tools - Mar 26, 2015

If an instance of a blueprint is in the scene selecting it and another blueprint and choosing the option to Replace references of the one in scene with the other will cause Critical Failure errors. ...

Re-importing animations from .fbx created in blender stops animation from correctly animating

OLD - Anim - Feb 4, 2016

Re-importing animations from .fbx created in blender stops animation from correctly animating. ...

Custom functions can call Set Timer nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 11, 2015

Custom functions can call Set Timer nodes. There are no other time related functions that can be called through custom functions. Calling a timer through custom functions seems to lead to editor cra ...

Render Target as Material Image in UMG is Clipped when setting Fullscreen in Standalone (Alt+Enter)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 1, 2015

Render Target Material is clipped as an Image within UMG when attempting to set to fullscreen while playing in Standalone mode. The interesting thing I noticed about this bug is that the issue is n ...