Ensure breaking a link in anim blueprint Event Graph and then undoing

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 18, 2016

Ensure occurs when the user breaks a link in the animation blueprint's Event Graph and then undo's the action. I wasn't able to reproduce it in a class blueprint. ...

Imported heightmaps with 2x2 sections crash editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jul 18, 2016

Importing a heightmap with 2x2 segments seems to cause the editor to crash in 3 different instances: 1. Importing the same 2x2 segment landscape a second time after deleting the first instance 2. ...

Static Mesh Editor material element highlight does not highlight the element

Tools - Jul 18, 2016

If the user selects "Highlight" for an element in the static mesh editor, the element is not highlighted. ...

AttachToComponent::KeepWorldTransform Causing Mesh to Flip

UE - Gameplay - Jul 18, 2016

Using AttachToComponent::KeepWorldTransform is causing a mesh to flip in the user project provided in the repro steps. This has not been reproduced in-house without using the mesh that the user has ...

Crash when Playing in Mobile Preview with Capsule Direct Shadows

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 15, 2016

When Capsule Direct Shadows are enable, attempting to play in Mobile Preview will cause the preview to crash. ...

Print String stop printing to screen after simulating in viewport

Tools - Jul 15, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3031272 BROKEN: 3031715 Print String will no longer print on the screen once the user simulates in viewport. Play in viewport will work, but once simulate in viewport happe ...

Unable to Package Project for Mac with Source Version of UE4

UE - Platform - Apple - Jul 14, 2016

With a project built from Source on a PC, when rebuilt in XCode on the Mac, more than one user is unable to package the project for the Mac with very similar failures in the build logs. (*See attach ...

The cap of a sliced procedural mesh is not affected by lighting

UE - Gameplay - Jul 14, 2016

After slicing a procedural mesh, the cap on the sliced end does not seem to be affected by lighting. This can result in the end looking dark. ...

Opacity of Translucent Materials in UMG Retainer Box Inconsistent

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 14, 2016

Using a translucent material with a 0 opacity does not seem to be working when using a retainer box that is attempting to apply it to the image. When the material is set to additive or masked, it w ...

Toggle Play/Pause shortcut (when set) does not toggle if the player ejects during PIE

Tools - Jul 14, 2016

Toggle Play/Pause shortcut (when set) does not toggle if the player ejects during PIE ...