Can't save map warning with Create Dynamic Material Instance node using wrong input

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 18, 2015

When using a Create Dynamic Material Instance node the Get Material node will plug into the World Context Object rather than the Parent input. This will cause a error to be thrown that does not allo ...

Morph Targets flicker Randomly in Slave Mesh

OLD - Anim - Oct 1, 2015

When a mesh is slave to a master mesh, its morph targets will flicker when Played in Editor. This does not occure with the same assets in 4.8. This has been reported by at least two different use ...

Calling RestartGame Function causes a crash when exiting PIE

UE - Gameplay - Jul 7, 2015

If the Restart Game function is called in blueprints or code then the editor will crash when exiting PIE [Link Removed] ...

Crash when loading old data after changing type of Map Value to related type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 17, 2017

There is a crash when changing the value type of a MapProperty to something else that provides a ConvertFromType handler. The backward compatible loading code is not correct for map properties and e ...

Hide softkey feature in Galaxy S8 leads to input lag when trying to receive input into text box.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 24, 2017

Hide softkey feature in Galaxy S8 leads to severe lag/freeze when trying to insert character into textbox in UMG. This feature is updated for Global version(Mali) for now(7/24/17) So you might need ...

r.MipMapLODBias has no effect on Texture Sample using Shared:Wrap or Shared:Clamp

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 11, 2017

If a material contains a Texture Sample node with Sampler Source set to Shared:Wrap or Shared:Clamp, setting r.MipMapLODBias will have no effect on the blurriness of the material. Regression: No - ...

[CrashReport] Mac/Metal Intel compiler crash - UE4Editor-MetalRHI.dylib!CreateMTLRenderPipeline()

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 27, 2017

Mark S: This is an Intel compiler failure on macOS 10.12.6. Callstack from LogAssertion failed: [File:/Users/build/Build/++UE4+Release-4.18+Compile/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Apple/MetalRHI/Privat ...

Blutility button not working after editing blueprint - need to reopen window

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 28, 2018

Blutility buttons are broken if graph is edited while panel is open. User reported bug Video repro attached ...

Cannot package a Client version of a project in UFE when using VS 2017

Media Framework - May 16, 2018

Trying to package a Client version of a project using Visual Studio 2017 currently fails. Packaging a Client version of a project using Visual Studio 2015 completes successfully. Alternate Steps to ...

Incorrect values filled for nativized struct arrays when resized and packaged

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2018

When packaging a resized structure array it changes the array value to a large incorrect number. Testing the struct in PIE yields expected results. ...