Reroute nodes break Cached Poses in Animation Blueprints Regression: This does not occur in 4.12 ...
BSP brushes cannot be selected through other BSP brushes that are set to hidden through the world outliner. Other assets such as static meshes are unaffected by this or do not cause the same error t ...
When a physics asset is set up for a Skeletal Mesh, the physics bodies are still visible in the main editor when using Show Collision (alt+C) but are extremely small. They are still oriented along t ...
Passing a blueprint array as an argument to a C++ function causes a spike in Frame rate, game and GPU. This spike is noticeable when using UnitGraph. Attached screenshots show difference in UnitGr ...
Custom Events with Default parameter names causes an internal compile error User Description: I'm not sure if it's a bug,but I post it in bug reports in case it is.Here is the problem: create a c ...
Variables named PlayerCamera are being automatically replaced with references to PlayerCameraManager in Player Controller Blueprints. Occurs when you copy+paste a reference (both get and set) to Pl ...
Selecting objects that are grouped together in the viewport will not highlight the group actor in the World Outliner. One known result of this is, after selecting the group in the viewport, right-cl ...
When using a box or sphere reflection capture with a map that has level setup can result in the reflection capture losing any color values. The reflection will still show but now be block where when ...
"The problem here is that the comment bubble, when hidden, is covering up the top of the node." This causes the user to have to drag a connector to the very bottom of the input in order to make a ...