Having two Play Persistent Audio modules in Niagara will only play the first sound

UE - Niagara - Jan 24, 2024

Only one Play Persistent Audio module will work at a time in a Niagara emitter. ...

Enhanced Input does not fire a "Cancelled" event for mappings that were in progress, but removed during a key-rebuild

UE - Gameplay - Input - Apr 1, 2024

If the return value of a trigger goes from ETriggerState::Ongoing to ETtriggerState::None, without returning a ETriggerState::Triggered, then there should be a "cancelled" event that is fired when E ...

'Max World Position Offset Displacement' causes culling issue on HISMC/foliage in 5.4

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 9, 2024

Foliage/hierarchical instanced static mesh components have issues with culling when their material's "Max World Position Offset Displacement" value is a higher amount, e.g. 100.0. ...

Collision boxes slow to move when using higher poly meshes

Tools - Jun 15, 2015

Collision boxes become sluggish to move when using higher poly meshes. High poly boxes attached (60 K and 120K tris) Users Video for reference: [Link Removed] ...

Changing component type in code breaks blueprint details for the component

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 7, 2015

If the VisibleAnywhere specifier is use in the UPROPERTY macro of a code based component, changing that component from one type to another (from USphereComponent to UBoxComponent for example) will c ...

Custom Blend Graph read only after copy/paste of State Nodes

OLD - Anim - Apr 30, 2015

When copy/pasting a state network, if any transition has Custom Blend Logic, the Custom Blend Graph becomes read only in the pasted version. ...

Teleporting to the World Location of a Scene Component in a packaged game will crash the game

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

Teleporting to the World Location of a Scene Component in a packaged game will crash the game. Teleporting to the Actor Location does not cause this crash. Crash log attached. Nothing is showing up ...

A duplicated component in the blueprint editor is invisible and the pivot stays at 0,0,0 until compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 19, 2015

A duplicated component in the blueprint editor is invisible and the pivot stays at 0,0,0 until compiled User Description: Since 4.8 if I duplicate a child actor component in the viewport the dupli ...

Add Code to Project fails to add a class to the project

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 16, 2015

Add Code to Project fails to add a class to the project. The project can't be reopened until the classes are manually removed and the project is recompiled. The following errors occur when using Add ...