Client crash on seamless travel in DataReplication with lag

UE - Networking - Jan 11, 2016

When server traveling, client may crash due to lag while attempting to replicate object/property. ...

Variable Reset on Child in level

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 24, 2017

For a child instance inside of the level, the value of a parent int variable will reset if you add a new variable in the child and if there is a function in the parent that has the child as an outpu ...

"Reference space" when exporting LevelSequences with "Override Instance Data"

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 15, 2024

When exporting a Cinematic Camera as FBX and importing it back, all transforms and Camera view are shifted. This happens when in Level Sequence Actor has the property "Transform Origin Actor" set to ...

Cross-Compiling for Linux-ARM fails to compile

Tools - Aug 11, 2015

Following the directions on the wiki for cross compiling on Linux ([Link Removed]) fails when trying to package the project. ...

Destructible meshes hang after first bounce

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 9, 2015

Destructible meshes that bounce lose their momentum, causing them to hang awkwardly midair (see attached video). The issue does not appear to occur for low framerates, and would only repro during sc ...

Setting meta data to custom MetaData class does not save after restarting editor

OLD - Anim - Apr 8, 2016

When setting a custom meta data class in an Animation Montage, the class set is not saved when the editor is closed / reopened. ...

Sequences in sub-levels only fire events in the persistent level

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 28, 2016

Sequences in sub-levels only fire events in the persistent level. I don't know if they're expected to be firing in all levels or just the sub-level ...

When Importing Camera, Previously Imported Cameras' Focal Length is Overridden

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 4, 2017

4.17 does not allow for camera import. If multiple cameras are imported into sequencer, all cameras Current Focal Length change to match the newest imported camera. Mentioning Jira: [Link Remove ...

Destructibles are not rendered correctly when fractured if Support Compute Skincache is enabled

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 8, 2018

The rendering of the fractured pieces of a destructible is incorrect when Support Compute Skincache is enabled. The physics of the fractured mesh simulates correctly but the pieces do not render pro ...

Event not saved correctly when duplicating Level Sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 21, 2019

This issue is similar to [Link Removed]. But I tested the shelve 10164190 mentioned in the comments. It didn't work. ...