Adding special characters into the BundleDisplayName or BundleName causes packaging error

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 3, 2016

Packaging a project for iOS that has & in the Bundle Name causes an error to occur during packaging. IPP ERROR: Application exception: System.Xml.XmlException: An error occurred while parsing Entit ...

Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2016

Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart 2 callstacks include, one for 4.10.4 and one for 4.11 Preview 6 User Description: I got some macros in my Object Macro Li ...

MapsToCook is not relative and is ignored if the project's directory is moved

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Mar 3, 2016

If the MapsToCook is set in the editor using the "List of maps to include in a packaged build" and the project's directory is moved, the list is no longer valid as it was pointing to the specific fi ...

Set World Location Not Working on Skeletal Meshes with Simulate Physics Enabled

UE - Gameplay - Mar 3, 2016

When a skeletal mesh is set to simulate physics, using the Set World Location node to set the world location of the mesh does not seem to be working. Turning simulate physics off causes the mesh to ...

Enumerators are not set correctly in packaged games if Nativize Blueprint Assets is set to true

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Mar 2, 2016

If an enum is called it will not return the correct value when Nativize Blueprint Assets is set to true in the project settings ...

Blend Shape Morph animation not displaying at 60fps

OLD - Anim - Mar 2, 2016

A licensee pointed out that when importing a Blend Shape animation for morphing that was made at 60fps in Maya, the Editor animation viewer doesn't properly show 60 fps. However, after adding some t ...

Clean up NaN checks in CharacterMovementComponent

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Mar 1, 2016

Some old NaN checks in character movement use checkf() which will crash, those should be ensures. Other code is inconsistent in using either ENABLE_NAN_DIAGNOSTIC (with side effects), and some users ...

User's project crashes on the Lenovo S939 when an external window pops up

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 1, 2016

User's project crashes on the Lenovo S939 when an external window pops up (such as a timer) ...

Load String fails to load when launched onto a mobile device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 1, 2016

If the user uses the node load string and then launches onto a device than the web browser will be blank. Note: This node appears to work fine in editor ...

Mouse functionality breaks on Linux when game is full screen on multi-monitor setup

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 1, 2016

When the game window is maximized on any monitor other than the left most monitor, the mouse will not interact with the game window. ...