Switching levels via blueprints crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Feb 18, 2016

Switching levels via blueprints crashes editor. This occurs using either "Execute Console Command" or the Open Level node. Frequency: 2/2 CrashReporter: N/A ...

Input Axis Continues to Fire After Standalone Window Loses Focus

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 17, 2016

When using an input axis for a task such as moving a character, losing focus on the standalone window while holding the key does not stop the axis from firing, which means the character will continu ...

Crash Occurs in UAIPerceptionSystem::UnregisterSource When Exiting PIE

UE - AI - Feb 17, 2016

User Description: The Perception System crashes when exiting PIE on UAIPerceptionSystem::UnregisterSource. It doesn't check for null sense classes which are there by design I suppose. I transition m ...

Crash Occurs When Attempting to Pass a Struct Containing an int64 into a Blueprint Function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 17, 2016

Attempting to pass a struct containing a variable of a type that is not compatible with blueprints into a blueprint function causes the editor to crash upon PIE. Found in 4.10.2 binary. Reproduced ...

Packaging for DLC with plugin multiple times causes failure due to file path length

When the DLC is being built for a project and stored in a plugin, the result is normaly until the DLC is packaged multiple times. This leads to the file path becoming more and more nested each time. ...

User's editor crashes when using a certain EditorLayout.ini

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 16, 2016

The users editor crashes on open when changing the layout ...

User's packaged game crashes after opening level 5+times

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 16, 2016

A user's project crashes when a level is opened 5 or more times ...

TMap and TSet variables do not display properly when inspecting in VS2015

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2016

When inspecting a TMap variable during runtime, the value of the variable is not displayed properly inside VS2015. Screenshots included to show what the TMap variable looks like in VS2013 (ProperTM ...

Source assumes that TG_PrePhysics is the first tick group

UE - Gameplay - Feb 16, 2016

Licensee has reported an issue with the source code and proposed a fix. The issue is that the source is assuming that TG_PrePhysics is the first tick group in all cases. Information can be found abo ...

Return node pins lose connection after copy and pasting

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 15, 2016

If the user copies and pastes nodes connecting to a return node in a function then the pins on the return node will become disconnected. ...