Non-Struct CDO component properties display incorrectly in the property editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 17, 2016

UObjectProperty properties within a UActorComponent class aren't exposed for editing in the Details panel when choosing to edit native component defaults in the BP editor. ...

Subcategories in Visual Logger do not Remember Open/Closed State

UE - AI - Aug 2, 2022

Within the actor snapshot area, you can categorize information into different sub-trees, each of which are expandable. However as you scrub through the timeline and new events happen, any sub-catego ...

Sequencer - Soft References do not work as payloads in Event Track keys, the endpoint event receives none/empty instead

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 31, 2024

In sequencer, an "event track" can be added to call functions/events defined in the Sequence Director Blueprint. The parameters for those endpoint functions/events can be sent as a Payload associate ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!FFindInBlueprintSearchManager::OnCacheAllUncachedBlueprints() [findinblueprintmanager.cpp:2095]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 2, 2017

This is a trending crash coming out of 4.18; it may be a regression. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 2093 // Start the cac ...

Hot Reload crash on PIE with custom AIController and Perception Component

UE - AI - Sep 29, 2015

If a pawn in the level is using a custom AI Controller that sets the AIPerceptionComponent in code, the editor will crash on PIE after a hot reload. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

Crash occurs if the Recast Navmesh is set to Dynamic and the BehaviorTree runs a 'Does Path Exist' decorator

UE - AI - Jun 16, 2015

Crash occurs if the Recast Navmesh is set to Dynamic and the BehaviorTree runs a 'Does Path Exist' decorator. Crashreporter info: [Link Removed] ...

Blueprint reinstancing can duplicate delegate bindings from the reinstanced Blueprint Actor to another referenced Actor instance in the current scene.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Oct 8, 2018

This issue occurs because post-BP compile reinstancing does not clear delegate bindings to other referenced Actor instances in the scene. Thus, the old BP actor instance remains in the referenced Ac ...

ShowOnlyInnerProperties does not work on a struct property in a class nested within another class as an instance

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2019

When the ShowOnlyInnerProperties property specifier is used for a struct property, the properties contained within the struct are exposed to the Blueprints Details panel as if they were part of the ...

Exporting a spawnable through Python doesn't work

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 29, 2020