Visible dithered quantization to remove banding in New Temporal AA Quality

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2015

Since changing the temporal history buffer to 11:11:10 from FP16, it looks as there is visible dithered quantization to remove banding when rendering. (Taken from conversation on Forum Post linked f ...

CharacterMovementComponent::ApplyRepulsionForce uses the BodyIndex incorrectly as a bone index

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 5, 2015

The code to extract the FBodyInstance from the overlapping component is incorrectly interpreting the Overlap.BodyIndex as a BoneIndex. This results in incorrect bodies getting the force applied, as ...

Texture Streaming not Functioning as Expected

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 5, 2015

There have been reports of users experiencing odd behavior with Texture Streaming in their projects. Comment from user reporting issue: "Texture memory is being eaten up... streaming not functionin ...

Switch on Gameplay Tag does not correctly register tag alterations in Standalone game

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 5, 2015

Switch on Gameplay Tag does not acknowledge changes to Gameplay Tag variable in Standalone game. ...

Enabling 'Expand Configuration Menus' removes Plug-Ins from Edit dropdown

Tools - Oct 5, 2015

The PlugIns menu item under Edit will disappear if 'Expand Configuration Menus' is set to true. PlugIns still visible under Settings. [Image Removed] ...

Behavior tree execution stuck when aborting a latent task from abandoned subtree

UE - AI - Oct 5, 2015

Aborting instance (subtree) needs to be stored and ticked. ...

Edits of node properties that are not stored on pins do not diff correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 2, 2015

Currently details changes to the following are not noticed by the Diff tool when diffing AnimBPs:State Machines (i.e. Max transitions per frame)Transition rulesConduitsStates This also affects non- ...

Canceling the Color Picker while modifying Curve Editor colors Moves Transforms Curves

If the user presses 'Cancel' when modifying colors using the Color Picker within the Curve Editor, the curves points are all transformed. Issue is reproducible in the below engine versions: 4.8.3 - ...

Sounds Triggered on Android playback 3 times in quick Succession

UE - Audio - Oct 1, 2015

Users are reporting that when playing sounds in projects deployed to their Android Devices, the playback is triggered three times in quick succession. There are known work arounds to this issue, li ...

Morph Targets flicker Randomly in Slave Mesh

OLD - Anim - Oct 1, 2015

When a mesh is slave to a master mesh, its morph targets will flicker when Played in Editor. This does not occure with the same assets in 4.8. This has been reported by at least two different use ...