Changing the navigation for the root of a widget blueprint will cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 28, 2015

Changing the navigation of the root of the widget blueprint will cause the editor to crash ...

Switch on custom enum causes compilation errors after Hot Reload

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 28, 2015

If the project is hot reloaded while a Switch on Enum is inside of a blueprint which is switching on a custom enum, the switch will become corrupted. It changes the 'selection' pin to take a Byte pa ...

Importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same texture will not assign correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 25, 2015

When importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same material will cause one to import blank (black) materials and assigned. This happens when importing into the same folder, however, if impor ...

Scroll widget into view will cause a crash is given a null value

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 25, 2015

If the user uses "Get child at" with an invalid index and then hooks up the return value to a "Scroll Widget into View" node's "Widget to Find" pin it will cause a crash ...

Changing Game Icon does not properly alter icon on Windows taskbar in packaged project

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Sep 24, 2015

Changing the Game Icon in Windows Packaged projects does not display the new icon on Windows taskbar. ...

Mac Crashing on Editor Launch

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 24, 2015

User reporting he is crashing when launching the Editor "This is a 4.9.1 binary build (latest), I can't give you the exact version because it crashes on the initialisation stage at 0%. The system i ...

Attempting to override timeline function in child blueprint crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 24, 2015

Attempting to override a timeline within a child blueprint causes the editor to crash. Frequency: 4/4 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] ...

iOS will not package or launch on Win 10 machine

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 23, 2015

Launching or packaging for iOS does not work on our Windows 10 machine however we are able to package and launch onto iOS devices from Windows 7 machines. Using the File > Package > iOS option with ...

Derived Data Cache is included but not used in Kite Demo

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 23, 2015

We include an 8 GB DDC with Kite Demo, but the entire DDC is recalculated on project launch instead of using the included DDC. There is no information included in the DefaultEngine.ini file to refe ...

Editor crashes on user project when attempting to spawn an actor from a struct within user's project.

UE - Networking - Sep 23, 2015

Editor crashes when attempting to spawn an actor from a struct within user's project. Frequency: 5/5 crashreporter: [Link Removed] ...