Tick delta time does not provide the time between ticks (as stated in documentation)

UE - Gameplay - Aug 10, 2015

In the description for delta time given for the tick event it states "Game time elapsed since last call to Tick". This sounds as though it is supposed to calculate the time in between ticks. However ...

Enum Variable doesn't pull the correct Default Value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 10, 2015

Enum Variable doesn't pull/print the correct Default Value User Description: (Blueprint) User defined enum in 4.9 getting corrupted I believe there is a severe underlying issue in 4.9 regarding u ...

SphereGradient3D Material Function has unconnected (or unnecessary) Scene Depth Call

Docs - Samples - Aug 10, 2015

The SphereGradient 3D Material Function has a 'Custom Simple Depth Biased Alpha' section which utilizes Scene Depth but remain unconnected to the output of the material function. Users are reportin ...

Using /*/ to create multiline comments in header files can prevent Visual Studio from successfully building a project.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 7, 2015

If a multi-line comment is made in a header file using the format /*/ at the beginning and ending of the comment, UHT will fail to compile the project and will display the following errors: 1> C:/ ...

Using HideCategories specifier does not hide custom categories

Tools - Aug 6, 2015

If a Component/ variable is given a custom category in code, using the HideCategories specifer inside the UCLASS macro does not hide the category. ...

Switcher widget causes a crash when dragging a widget out of it and on to the canvas panel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 6, 2015

If the user adds two widgets to a switcher and then tries to drag one out of it the editor will crash ...

LightPropagationVolume plugin can not be disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 6, 2015

SceneRenderTargets.cpp includes LightPropagationVolumeBlendable.h, which means if you disable the LightPropagationVolume plugin and compile, you will get compile errors. ...

Snapping Pivot to Vertices is Difficult using New Default Keyboard Shortcuts

Tools - Aug 6, 2015

A licensee requested this ticket be entered as a bug report. The pivot vertex snapping functionality has changed and no longer functions as it did in prior versions of the engine. Somewhere the key ...

Internal Compiler error when calling a custom enum in a struct from a blueprint macro

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 6, 2015

If a macro is referencing a custom enum within a struct and compiled after another output pin is removed, an internal compiler error will appear and the blueprint will not compile. ...

Navigation System is gathering navigation bounds too early

UE - AI - Aug 6, 2015

In GameInstance.cpp when the Navigation System is created it calls... UNavigationSystem::InitializeForWorld This in turn ends up calling... GatherNavigationBounds(); This goes through all ...