A UDN user found a crash in the merge tool when using SVN. https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/265740/crashbug-with-svn-merging.html The failing check() crash occurs in LoadBaseRev (Merge.cpp): ...
Actors not marked as Always Relevant do not replicate to Clients that have possessed a vehicle past 15,000 units (the sq root of Net Cull Distance Squared) of the point of possession. Note that repl ...
Using a 3D Widget with a text block who's font size is set to 1,000 will give a fetal error when packaged. Note: The package will succeed, however when the project is opened the user will receive ...
When working in Manage Mode with Landscapes and deleting a component, if you undo the deletion, you can no longer modify or select the component. I did attempt to rebuild the scenes lighting and ge ...
If the player uses Event tick to set the position of a widget blueprint with in the viewport and the widget then leaves the bounds of the viewport the widget will then no longer update so that it ca ...
Some properties go missing when the Editor is switched to Japanese mode. Specifically, missing under Collison: -Simulation Generates Hit Events -Phys Material Override -Use CCD (See attached screens ...
The event "On Animation Finished" does not fire off until a few seconds after the animation is over. ...
Painting on a landscape layer with both an Alpha Layer and Weighted Layer creates black areas. Per documentation painting with an alpha layer should smooth over black areas when multiple weighted la ...
Interface functions inherited after a duplicated actor blueprint is re-parented to the blueprint it was duplicated from cannot be deleted. Note that the inherited function can be deleted in a new ac ...
Verify that inertial scrolling works in the ScrollBox and the ListView on touch devices. We have reports that it isn't working in 4.9, it may have been fixed since then, or not be as smooth as it c ...