NavMesh movement sweep behavior should not be based on bGenerateOverlaps

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 28, 2016

A separate new flag should be used to control the sweep behavior of characters using Nav Walking behavior in CharacterMovementComponent. Existing assets should upgrade to set the value of this new f ...

SubInstance AnimInstances may not be updated in all necessary places inside SkeletalMeshComponent

OLD - Anim - Sep 28, 2016

After scanning through SkeletalMeshComponent, it looks like there are several places where AnimInstance is updated but SubInstances are not. This can potentially cause states to get out of sync, and ...

Compiling blueprint being used as a child actor component sets template in parent to "None"

UE - Gameplay - Sep 27, 2016

If the user compiles the blueprint that is being used as a Child Actor, the defaults section in the Child Actor Template will be set to None and won't be usable. ...

Transform gizmo turning different colors when using the spline control points on Camera Rig Rail

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 27, 2016

Transform gizmo turning different colors when using the spline control points on Camera Rig Rail. This appears to happen more when farther away from 0,0,0. Also see some changes based on the distanc ...

Using the arrow keys to navigate the Attach To dropdown causes accidental selection

Tools - Sep 27, 2016

When using the arrow keys to navigate the Attach To menu, the first actor that is highlighted will automatically be selected instead of allowing the user to select the actor they wish. Regression?: ...

Point Light Stationary Causes Shadow Jitter at a Distance

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 27, 2016

The Point Light Stationary displays reveal a shadow jitter when viewed at a distance. Comparatively the other lighting displays do not have the same result when viewed from a distance. This appears ...

UAnimNotifyState NotifyEnd / NotifyBegin called when setting GlobalAnimRateScale to 0 / non-zero respectivey

OLD - Anim - Sep 26, 2016

The issue seems to have a few parts. First, active events don't persist between frames. Instead, a new active list is created each frame and diffed against the previous frame. Added events have Beg ...

Editing static functions in Blueprint Function Libraries with hotreload can cause saving issues with blueprints calling them

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 26, 2016

When editing a Static function from a Blueprint Function Library, any blueprints that have already had it added are unable to be saved. This can be worked around by removing the node and adding it a ...

Enable Sound editor preference does not disable sound during PIE

Tools - Sep 26, 2016

When Enable Sound is disabled in the editor preferences, sound is still played during PIE sessions. This setting does not work as expected back to 4.9, but worked in 4.8. ...