Running the console command r.DebugSafeZone.Mode 0 does not disable all overlays. The issue occurs when setting custom values in DefaultEngine.ini as well. Tested using the following settings: ...
Streaming out the navmesh and streaming the area back into the world before the GC runs causes the navmesh streamed back into the world to only have navmesh tiles on a layer with tiles that would b ...
When you assign a Preview Mesh to a Material Instance, save and close the instance, on reopening instance, the Preview Mesh will not retain connection to the Instance and will revert back to its ass ...
Reimporting a skeletal mesh by dragging FBX to content browser crashes the editor. I suspect something is wrong with the FBX. The user reported that the data is from Blender. FBX file attached for ...
See Comments. User reported planar reflections aren't being applied to translucent materials on Mac OpenGL, which may also affect Linux OpenGL and Mac Metal. Need to investigate what this feature r ...
Base-pass rendering on Mac Metal now generates transient black/Nan spots across the scene - this appears to be related to r.BasePassOutputsVelocity and is presumably the connected to the incorrect s ...
Distance Fields generated for the 4 basic static mesh assets in the modes panel appear to have artifacts or low resolution. This is only affecting certain shapes that I can see. Adding in assets fro ...
Adding the C++ Vehicle feature pack to a project fails to compile with the following error:CompilerResultsLog: Info Error: Couldn't find parent type for 'TP_VehiclePawn' named 'AWheeledVehicle' in c ...
While attempting LaunchOn to an iOS device, the video and audio does not play. Attempts were made using the following video formats:mp4movavi Attempts were made using the following devices:iPhone 5 ...
Via UDN: As has been discussed previously here and in CL 20055361, debug information is sometimes missing when compiling with Clang. We've pinpointed this to debug information not being emitted fo ...