Editor crashes when using pause node in PIE while running on dedicated server

UE - Gameplay - Dec 4, 2014

If a user pauses a game while running on a dedicated server the engine will crash. Note: this crashes even when user is given an option to unpause game. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Rem ...

Objects in editor windows can still be highlighted when mouse is over them with a non UE4 window in front of the editor

Tools - Dec 4, 2014

When the editor is open behind another window and the mouse hoovers over objects and options in various submenus, objects are still highlighted in the editor. ...

Expand Node crashes engine

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 4, 2014

The engine crashes when after right-click > Expand Node on any composite node. Crash Report: [Link Removed] ...

Crash when creating new projects or converting copies of old ones in Japanese

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 4, 2014

There's a crash in FCharacterList::GetKerning() when using the editor in Japanese that is apparently fixed in one of these three changelists: CL# 2370014, 2370050, and 2370040 But they were not ...

Color Information Clamped to a Max of 1 in Cascade Color Modules

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 3, 2014

You cannot enter a value higher than one in any color module. WORKAROUND - You can graph it and select the point you want to change and then set value to any number, but it will be clamped back to ...

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only return 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller

UE - Gameplay - Input - Dec 3, 2014

The Get node for the float value of Custom Axis Mappings only returns 0.0 when called from Blueprints other than the Controller. Input from the player does not affect the value. Note: this works a ...

Advanced Vechicle Template throws warning about no default skeleton when opening the physics asset

Docs - Samples - Dec 3, 2014

DESCRIPTION: If you try to open the physics asset for the Advanced Vehicle template will throw a warning that the physics asset has no default skeleton and that it will be replaced with the default ...

Crash when calling "Create Widget" node

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 3, 2014

User reported a crash when trying to call "Create Widget" node set to UserWidget. Was not able to reproduce internally. User was able to resolve the crash by recreating the widget blueprint and re ...

CRASH: OS X frequently freezes when working with blueprints

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 2, 2014

User complains of frequent crashes when using blueprints and has provided repro steps for one incident that tends to cause a crash. While we are not able to reproduce the issue here, the customer ha ...

Ragdoll replication on server side is not replicated correctly on client

UE - Networking - Dec 2, 2014

Ragdoll replication on server side is not replicated correctly on client. The client will see the server players ragdoll dissappear and reappear at the 0,0,0 origin point. AnswerHub Posts: https: ...