LIVE: Code projects using TextureRenderTarget2D will not build because UTextureRenderTarget is undefined in TextureRenderTarget2D

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 5, 2014

If a TextureRenderTarget2D is used in a code class, the build of the project will fail with an error stating that the UTextureRenderTarget base class is undefined. The line #include "Engine/TextureR ...

Alpha channel is not working on drag and drop function

Tools - Nov 5, 2014

When using the drag and drop function in UMG on an image with an alpha map the background will show up as black instead of translucent. ...

CPU Particles spawned through Blueprints do not keep Collision

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 5, 2014

Particle Systems spawned via a blueprint are not generating collision. The same system will generate collision if placed directly in level. Also reported: ...

The Command and Control keys are swapped for Input nodes on Mac

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 4, 2014

Mac only. The Command and Control keys are swapped for Input nodes. Pressing the Left Command key triggers Left Ctrl, pressing Left Control triggers Left Cmd, and pressing Right Command triggers R ...

LIVE: The editor crashes on Mac when attempting to open the attached Media Player .uasset

Tools - Nov 4, 2014

Does not occur on PC. CRASHREPORT: [Link Removed] CALLSTACK: <unknown module>! FOutputDeviceMacError::HandleError() <unknown module>! EngineCrashHandler(FGenericCrashContext const&) <unknow ...

AI characters float above the ground only when in a packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2014

The users AI characters will work correctly while in PIE & Standalone Mode but when in a packaged project they will float above the ground. This was working correctly for the user in 4.4.3 but the ...

No way to access console out-of-the-box on JPN. GER, KOR, etc foreign keyboards

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 4, 2014

Because Japanese, German, Korean, and other keyboards don't have the back tick/tilde key, the console is inaccessible without first remapping to another key in the settings. This is a major pain bec ...

Packaged Win32 Shootergame crashes in OpenGL

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 4, 2014

Packaged Win32 Shootergame crashes in OpenGL. This cropped up while testing on Windows XP, but occurs on all platforms if you launch in OpenGL. QA REGRESSION: YES WORKING: Regressing now BROKEN: ...

Sprite collision is inaccurate

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 31, 2014

Sprite collisions do not accurately reflect the collision for the sprite. While the collisions are always the same between two of these, the collisions do not correspond to the shape of the collisio ...

LIVE: Attach Actor to Component crashes the editor when used after Set Simulate Physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 31, 2014

The user has attached a small project at the link to demonstrate the issue. Occurs in 4.5.1 and well as Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2239587). Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...