An InstancedStaticMesh component set to Stationary doesn't register overlaps

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 16, 2016

An InstancedStaticMesh component set to Stationary doesn't register overlaps. However, overlaps are registered on Static and Movable. There is also an issue where actors that start overlapped with ...

Blueprint Function Library functions have a world context pin by default even when not necessary or desired

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 16, 2016

Blueprint Function Library functions have a world context pin by default which makes it impossible to call them from blueprints who's parent class does not provide a GetWorld implementation. It seem ...

Using save all after moving a newly created asset to another folder will cause the asset to also exist in its original location

Tools - Dec 16, 2016

When you move an asset that has been freshly created and not yet saved, it will leave behind information that will get saved by Save All. This saved data isn't visible in the editor but is present i ...

Multiple overlapping reflection captures cause graphical artifact on Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 16, 2016

There are tiled artifacts that appear on Mac Sierra when reflection captures overlap. Tested with Asset #3595 MacOS Sierra Version: 10.12.1 NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M Driver: 367.15.10.05f01 ...

Undocked Windows with a hidden tab cannot be unhidden, moved, or docked any longer.

Tools - Dec 16, 2016

Any undocked windows that have their tab hidden cannot be unhidden and the window cannot be moved. This is problematic because one this is done even if you close the window and reopen it via the Win ...

Subsurface Profile material does not render properly in the Material Editor or Material Instance Editor

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 15, 2016

Note: I looked for a similar or related bug but could not find one. Sorry if it's here and buried. Subsurface Profile materials render differently in the Material Editor Preview pane than they do a ...

The IsOverInteractableWidget() function in UWidgetInteractionComponent does not correctly indicate when it is over an interactable scrollbar

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 15, 2016

The scroll bar in a scroll box does not currently indicate that it is interactable. The UWidgetInteractionComponent::IsOverInteractableWidget() function returns true if it is over a button, but retu ...

Duplicate destructible mesh actor has Destructible mesh value set to none

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 15, 2016

After duplicating a destructible mesh in the level, in the Details panel for the duplicate, the Destructible Mesh setting will be listed as "None" rather than carrying over the mesh set in the origi ...

Setting Multi with ETC2 and PVRTC will select ES3.0 as minimum instead of 2.0

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 15, 2016

Chris found a bug where if you set Multi, ETC2 and PVRTC will select ES3.0 as minimum texture instead of ES 2.0 ...

skeletal mesh cannot use async scene

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 15, 2016

Since the option to use Async Scene with Mesh and CapsuleComponent appears under "Physics" in the Details Panel of a skeletal mesh, the ability to select these options is expected. Currently both bo ...