In Persona, moving a socket around is not affected by any changes to snapping (scale or size). Rotation is affected however. ...
REGRESSION Yes, investigating range. In Persona, when viewing a Skeleton, no bones appears in the Skeleton Tree. This is working in //UE4/Dev-Framework at latest, but not in //UE4/Main. ...
QAGame is failing to compile with Blueprint Nativization turned on ...
Imported camera in sequencer is rotated -90 degrees. I got the same result in 4.14 ...
Certain materials no longer compile in InfiltratorForward with Forward Shading enabled. These materials were not having this compile issue in //UE4/Main @ CL - 3231640 which is the CL before Dev-Ren ...
The editor is crashing when dragging a TextRenderActor BP with a Set Text node in the construction script. ...
REGRESSION Yes, does not occur in 4.14 at CL 3232073. When opening the level blueprint, the user sees the following warning in the output log:In asset 'None', there is an enum property of type 'EC ...
This crash was caused by Dev-Rendering's merge to Main @ CL 3231696 Apps are crashing on launch on tvOS and iOS This crash is also occurring in Main ...
When importing a CSV file as a DataTable, the name of the asset isn't listed in the DataTable Options window. This can make it confusing for the user when they try to import multiple files at once, ...
Editor is crashing when opening ContentExamples with the -d3ddebug command line argument ...