The licensee has been using a custom CVAR to launch directly into PIE for a world partition level. Since updating to 5.4, this now causes an editor crash. The main factor appears to be whether or no ...
A crash occurs to the engine as when we when have unreal as a backgroud task, and we try to drag and drop a layer to another by selecting the layer visibility button. ...
From licensee: The function AWorldDataLayers::GetDataLayerInstanceFromAssetName() uses different names in #WITH_EDITOR and without editor builds: #WITH_EDITOR config calls DataLayerInstance->GetDa ...
[Link Removed]This issue occurs only when I have a lot of RDLs (I tested 2500 and 1600). I tested with 6 RDLs and had no issuesI also noticed in the server log an error when a lot of RDLs are presen ...