The camera position on the Z axis is almost at ground level in VR preview

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 12, 2016

The camera position on the Z axis is almost at ground level in VR preview for the first person template. ...

Exporting and Reimporting static mesh created from BSP brush crashes editor

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 12, 2016

Editor crashes if a bsp brush is turned into a static mesh, then that static mesh is exported from the editor and reimported. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression? (Yes), issu ...

.wav files with max concurrency count data outside proper range will crash editor when played

UE - Audio - Apr 12, 2016

Editor crashes if a set of sound files provided by a user is played. This occurs in any project that the asset is migrated to. Frequency: 5/5 NOTE If the asset is exported outside of the editor ...

Sounds not Playing for 2nd Player Client when running in Local Multiplayer Splitscreen Mode

UE - Audio - Apr 12, 2016

When playing in editor with splitscreen multiplayer enabled, player 2 is unable to hear sounds within his client window. This is tied to splitscreen and does not behave this way when two unique edi ...

HTML5 broken load/save

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 12, 2016

save data does not return the same data and crashes the game ...

World Initialization is performed on Transition World if the client's process is halted at a certain point

UE - Networking - Apr 12, 2016

A user reported an issue where, if a client hitches during world transition, the client will continue referring to the transition world instead of the newly created one. This will result in the clie ...

Constraint setting UI issues

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 12, 2016

When setting constraints to free or locked the "Angular Rotation Offset" property greys out so it can't be edited. But when simulating it still has an effect. Either needs to not have an effect or n ...

Window Size does not Change to iPhone 6 presets when in Standalone Game or Mobile Preview (PIE)

Tools - Apr 12, 2016

You cannot adjust the Window size to the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 + preset Common Window Sizes in the Editor Preferences. Regression: this did not occur in UE 4.10 NOTE: This does not occur in New Ed ...

[Mac][Metal] (Motion Vector) Rendering artifacts with 4.11 on Mac with Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Selectively output to the GBuffer rendertargets ON

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 12, 2016

From AnswerHub: Second one is that Motion Vectors are bugged for some objects. This causes lot's of temporal artifacts. Third picture lamp is good example of bug. Lamp is static. Camera is not movin ...