Play button stays highlighted after PIE has ended until the user moves mouse over the Play button again. Regression (Yes) issue (does not) occur in 4.10.4. ...
When a property added to an ActorComponent class uses the specifier EditInstanceOnly, the property is editable inside a blueprint with the component rather than only showing up when selecting an ins ...
Replacing a StaticMesh actor with a C++ class that extends AStaticMesh changes the selected static mesh asset. But making a blueprint of that static mesh and replacing using that instead doesn't ch ...
Running into an intermittent crash in MetalRHI when locking to a camera cut in a level sequence. Very similar to [Link Removed] which is an NVIDIA GPU. ...
With skeltons that don't have a root or have a root that is not at the origin, sequencer recorder will snap it to the origin in it's recorded animations. [Image Removed] ...
Spline points are not moved into sublevels if a segment of landscape is moved to a sublevel. Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...
When a Planar Reflection component has been added to a Blueprint that has adjustable sliders that can be edited via the Details panel that updates the Blueprint via the construction script the memor ...
The target name editor allows spaces and probably other special characters. We should lock this down as they're also used as folder names. ...
Vertex Painting changes collision complexity if the asset is saved while vertex painting. The collision change is set to "Use Complex Collision as Simple". If this is intended functionality there sh ...
Reported by AnswerHub user. UHT should block UFUNCTIONs which hide other UFUNCTIONs with the same name but different signature. ...