naming box collision in player character renames overlap begin event in actor calling player character

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2016

naming box collision in player character renames overlap begin event in actor calling player character ...

Blueprint Billboard Components render Opaque in Editor but Translucent during PIE

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 28, 2016

Billboard components render translucent during play, but render opaque within the editor. Simply adding a billboard as a component to a new actor blueprint and placing it in the level will reproduce ...

Output pins labeled "self" will not appear on interface functions called in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2016

Output pins labeled "self" will not appear on interface functions called in blueprints. ...

Character velocity is registered while walking against physics objects and vehicles

UE - Gameplay - Jan 28, 2016

Character velocity is registered while walking against physics objects and vehicles User description: I'm trying to rely on velocity to know when an actor is moving so that i can stop the walking ...

Destructible meshes always affect navigation regardless of collision

UE - AI - Jan 27, 2016

Turning off a destructible mesh's collision will still affect navigation around the destructible mesh Note: This issue is related to [Link Removed]. The workaround for that issue does not apply he ...

Setting a component to replicate in an Actor that is already set to replicate alters the location of the mesh on the Client after enabling physics

UE - Networking - Jan 27, 2016

Setting a component to replicate in an Actor that is already set to replicate alters the location on the Client after enabling physics. Note this only appears to occur with components added in Const ...

Can Ever Affect Navigation does not detect updates to collision settings at runtime

UE - AI - Jan 27, 2016

When a mesh has its collision updated during runtime the navigation around the mesh does not update. Workaround: If the mesh is set to simulate physics then updates to its collision will update nav ...

Level LOD Mesh Generation does not take into account Landscape Component Forced LOD settings

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 27, 2016

When you generate a LOD Mesh for a Landscape Level in the Level Browser, the resulting Mesh does not take into account Landscape Components Forced LOD settings. Landscape with Forced LOD Components ...

Set actor hidden in game does not apply to widget components set to Screen Space

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 27, 2016

If the user sets an actor to hidden in game and there is a widget component set to screen space then the screen space widget will not been hidden. ...

Opening particle system crashes editor

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 27, 2016

Opening a specific particle system crashes the editor. If the particle system is used within a level and the level is played, the editor will crash with no callstack. Logs are attached. Frequency: ...