Procedural Sounds Dropping First Samples

UE - Audio - Oct 26, 2015

When playing a sound with the bProcedural = true option enabled. The associated sound will then drop samples when played. The licensee who originally reported the issue actually has provided a fix i ...

Using Fixed Frame Rate Increases the Speed of Auto Save

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 26, 2015

Using a lower fixed frame rate (i.e. 20fps) causes the auto save timer (when set to the default of 10) to count down in 3 seconds. Found in 4.10 Preview 2 CL 2733139. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary an ...

A REINST error occurs in widgets reference one another

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 23, 2015

If the user has two widgets (widgetA and WidgetB) and they use widgetB inside of WidgetA via the user created section and then they alter widgetB the reference to WidgetB will show a REINST Error. ...

Widgets remaining in memory after they are removed from viewport

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 23, 2015

Widgets appear to be remaining in memory even after they have been removed from viewport. A user can use Get all widgets of class to search for a widget (with Top level only set to false) and it wil ...

Renaming variables in parent blueprint resets values for child blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 23, 2015

Renaming a variable in a parent blueprint will reset the value of that variable for any child blueprint based on the parent within the level viewport. ...

Using NewObject inside PostInitProperties causes the editor to crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 23, 2015

Using NewObject inside PostInitProperties and creating a BP of the class will cause the editor to crash on PIE if the BP is is set in gamemode defaults ...

UnrealPak hangs when creating a pak file on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 23, 2015

Reported by users and seen once by myself. For a project which can exhibit this see: ...

AHUD::DrawMaterialSimple does not render on ANdroid device when MobileHDR is disabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 23, 2015

After cooking, If user installs same project which contains drawing material via DrawTile function in HUD, is not displayed in es2, with MobileHDR off (verified on android device) DrawTile script i ...

Please support ApplyAdditive on MeshSpace

OLD - Anim - Oct 23, 2015

Licensee reported Applied Additive animation with ApplyAdditive node with MeshSpace, but Applied animation is incorrect if applying same with AnimSequence "Base Pose Type" animation to Base pin. H ...

Date and Time variable does not appear to replicate across clients

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 22, 2015

The Date and Time variable does not appear to replicate when set to be replicated. If the variable is called on a client the client will not update properly. ...