Mesh blueprint has incorrect Scaling in viewport when added as a child blueprint component

UE - Gameplay - Sep 9, 2015

If the user converts two static meshes in the level to blueprints, makes them movable, and then adds one to the other as a child blueprint component then the child component will scale incorrectly i ...

Client Characters that slide past the Server Character while on top of a Movable Actor can become de-synchronized from their Server counterpart

UE - Networking - Sep 9, 2015

Client Characters that slide past the Server Character while on top of a Movable Actor can become de-synchronized from their Server counterpart. Does not occur on top of Static Actors. Hard to expl ...

Setting struct variable to CurveTableRowHandle crashes editor

Tools - Sep 9, 2015

Editor immediately crashes if a variable is set to type Curve Table Row Handle within a structure. Frequency: 2/2 Crashreporter: N/A ...

A packaged game that contains a plugin with a custom struct and function using that struct will crash on launch.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Sep 9, 2015

If a project is packaged with a plugin that contains a custom struct and a function that takes that struct as a parameter, the game will crash when the executable is run. [Link Removed] ...

VisualLog redirections are broken after PIE finishes

UE - AI - Sep 9, 2015

Visual logger cleanup should remove only redirections registered from that single world, leaving others intact (e.g. created for editor world) ...

the "Draw Material" node in the HUD blueprint doesn't work if the material is set to additive/translucent

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Sep 9, 2015

If the user sets the blend mode to additive or translucent for the material that is being applied to the viewport via the "Draw material" node. The Material will not show up. ...

ShowdownVRDemo will not View Detail Lighting or Reflection Mode

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 9, 2015

After opening the ShowdownVRDemo project and changing the view mode to either Detail or Reflection the view doesn't change. It still shows the image as if in Lit Mode. ...

Spin box does not receive input in mobile preview

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 9, 2015

When using a spin box in mobile preview, the spin box does not appear to update. It will highlight when the mouse is over it but clicking and dragging will yield no value changes. ...

Lights placed in a Layer that are hidden will not be visible in PIE

Tools - Sep 9, 2015

Placing any lights in a Layer and marking as hidden will not render when PIE. Layers should only be editor only, even if marked as hidden. Also test in MAIN CL-2685425 where this is showing the sa ...

Clicking the [Absolute] bottom of Buttons in Toolbar does not Function

Tools - Sep 9, 2015

Hovering over the absolute bottom of buttons in the toolbar, particularly in Blueprints, results in the button being highlighted, but not accessable. The area seems to be 1 or 2 pixels from the bot ...