Setting Auto Possess AI to "Spawned" or "Placed in World or Spawned" will play falling animation

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 3, 2015

If the Auto Possess AI is set to Spawned or Placed in World or Spawned then the falling animation will play in the blueprint viewport. ...

Editable Text crashes on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 3, 2015

Editable text crashes the project on Android devices. This does not happen on iOS or Windows. ...

(New) Capsule does not change in viewport to reflect new values entered in details Panel

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 3, 2015

Adding values in the details panel to a new Capsule Collision Component will not affect the Capsule in the CharacterBlueprint Viewport. *This only effects a new Capsule Collision added to a charact ...

Controller::GetPawn() returns NULL in 4.9

UE - Gameplay - Sep 3, 2015

Making a call to GetPawn in an AIController class will return NULL which will crash when that return value is used. This is a regression as the call is made successfully in 4.8.3. Working CL: Work ...

The "Draw Text" node used within the onpaint override should be static

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 3, 2015

The Draw Text node should not have a target pin to the "Widget blueprint library" ...

Compiling a Blueprint that references a deleted Macro from a Custom Macro Library will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 3, 2015

Compiling a Blueprint that references a deleted Macro from a Custom Macro Library will crash the editor. Crash Report: [Link Removed] This is a regression: did NOT occur in 4.8.3. Reproduced in 4. ...

First Person Shooter Template produces error upon creation

Docs - Samples - Sep 3, 2015

Creating a FPS template produces an error upon being opened immediately after creation. Error is shown in attached image. ...

Changing Material for Landscapes with Visibility tool causes Crashes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 3, 2015

After a user creates a hole using the visibility tool on a landscape UE4 crashes. ...

The Select node will accept both a Parent Class and a Child Class as inputs if the Parent is added first

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 2, 2015

The Select node will accept both a Parent Class and a Child Class as inputs if the Parent is added first. The node will compile if the Index is set to anything other than Wildcard. Note that the no ...

Set Relative Location on components does not replicate to clients

UE - Networking - Sep 2, 2015

Set Relative Location on components does not replicate to clients. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.0 binary, and Main (CL 2676715) ...