Set Actor Location and Teleport from a Character when touching an Actor simulating physics will launch the Actor

UE - Gameplay - Jul 23, 2015

Set Actor Location and Teleport from a Character when touching an Actor simulating physics will launch the Actor. User supplied a video demonstrating the problem: [Link Removed] Test project in Pa ...

Linux .BMP Files not supported for Splash Screen

UE - Platform - Linux - Jul 23, 2015

On the Linux operating system, when trying to load a .BMP file for the splash screen, there are strange returns for the image displayed. ...

Cannot bind event dispatchers between two blueprints that share a parent class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 23, 2015

Cannot bind event dispatchers between two blueprints that share a parent class. This issue also occurs if you use the parent as a variable in the child. The bind event dispatcher seems to only take ...

Behavior Tree Service Deactivation is called after Blackboard Component is destroyed

UE - AI - Jul 23, 2015

When exiting PIE the Behavior Tree Service Deactivation is called after Blackboard Component is destroyed. ...

Re-parenting blueprint actors do not lose interfaces associated with their previous parent blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 23, 2015

Re-parenting blueprint actors do not lose interfaces associated with their previous parent blueprint. Interfaces and interface functions can no longer be deleted from the re-parented actor. ...

Player state on clients does not get set properly

UE - Networking - Jul 23, 2015

When playing in Standalone with multiple characters there's the the chance that one of the player states does not get set and remains null. This is not a 100% repro case. Multiple tests may be req ...

UMG materials do not correctly access material parameter collections (all of the values are black)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 22, 2015

Edit MattK: The reason they do not work is that material parameter collections are updated inside of a uworld that slate doesnt have access to. We just need to figure out a way to update the necess ...

Physics Constraint doesn't hold if one Component is used for constraint

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 22, 2015

Physics Constraint doesn't hold if one Component is used for constraint User Description: Hello, I recently updated the project from 4.7.6 to 4.8.2 and the physics constraint don't seem to work an ...

FirstPersonHUD blueprint does not work when the "FirstPersonBP" folder is renamed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 22, 2015

If the FirstpersonBP folder is renamed for the first person project example the First Person HUD will no longer function. ...